Installation Commands
The following are commands to install various essential packages, configure Neovim, set up system configurations, and more.
1. Install necessary packages
yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm neovim atuin moar zoxide nodejs npm eza ripgrep cheese lazygit fzf microsoft-edge-stable-bin bat lf silicon fd git-delta update-grub tesseract ttf-joypixels tmux fastfetch openssh pipx pyprland cmake github-cli spicetify spicetify-cli spotify openvpn systemd-resolvconf zsh protonvpn nodejs-browser-sync docker docker-desktop zen-browser docker-compose yazi ffmpegthumbnailer p7zip jq poppler imagemagick
2. Clone Neovim configuration
git clone $HOME/.config/nvim
3. Create a work
directory and clone dotfiles
mkdir $HOME/work && git clone $HOME/work/dot-arch
4. Copy necessary dotfiles
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/.git $HOME/.config
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/lazygit $HOME/.config
5. Remove and link .zshrc
, .bashrc
, and .gitconfig
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
sudo mv $HOME/.oh-my-zsh /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
( cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins && git clone )
( cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins && git clone )
( cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins && git clone
rm -rf $HOME/.zshrc && rm -rf $HOME/.bashrc
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/.zshrc $HOME/.config
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/.bashrc $HOME/.config/
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/aliases $HOME/.config
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/.gitconfig $HOME/.config/
ln -s $HOME/.config/.zshrc $HOME/.zshrc
ln -s $HOME/.config/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc
ln -s $HOME/.config/.gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
6. Install Starship prompt
curl -sS | sh
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/starship.toml $HOME/.config/
7. Install Atuin and configure
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh
source $HOME/.atuin/bin/env
atuin register -u <username> -e <email> -p LAtecdv55
atuin login -u <username>
8. Sync system clock
sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
9. Set up Hyprdots configuration
mkdir $HOME/.config/hyprdots
cp -r $HOME/.local/share/bin $HOME/.config/hyprdots/scripts
10. Install additional system packages
sudo pacman -S yazi ffmpegthumbnailer p7zip jq poppler fd ripgrep fzf zoxide imagemagick
11. Build Bat cache
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/bat $HOME/.config/
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/fastfetch $HOME/.config/
bat cache --build
12. Replace SDDM and GRUB themes
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/sddm && sudo cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/sddm /usr/share
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/grub && sudo cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/grub /usr/share
sudo update-grub
13. Hyprland Plugin Management
hyprpm update
hyprpm add <>
hyprpm list
hyprpm add hyprexpo
hyprpm enable hyprexpo
hyprpm update
14. Clone and set up Rofi themes
git clone $HOME/work
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/rofi/themes
cp -r $HOME/work/rofi-themes-collection/themes/** $HOME/.local/share/rofi/themes
15. Generate SSH keys and add to the agent
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<email>"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
cat $HOME/.ssh/ | wl-copy
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
gh auth login --web -h
gh extension install github/gh-copilot --force
16. Install global npm packages
sudo npm i -g pnpm && sudo npm i -g yarn && sudo npm i -g @antfu/ni
17. Acer Sense Fan and KB_LIGHTs
yay -S rsync openrc
cp -r $HOME/work/dot-arch/acerSense $HOME/.config
cd $HOME/.config/acerSense
sudo pacman -U Predator-Sense-CLI-7.2-11-any.pkg.tar.zst
chmod +x ./*.sh
sudo ./
> sudo ./